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来源:http://www.ymsfs.com 日期:2019-04-22 发布人:      

  Now the enterprise work clothes customization is to find several workclothes manufacturers to compare, choose their own satisfactory manufacturers to customize work clothes, then we must find customized workclothes manufacturers, so that enterprises can rest assured that their production customized, there will be no production quality problems, then Shandong work clothes manufacturers which good?
  First, preferential price
  First of all, the cost of fabrics, professional workwear manufacturers are basically long-term cooperation, one is the guarantee of fabrics, the other is the price, the old customers are more preferential than the new face, the main part of cost savings is fabrics. Next is the labor cost, professional clothing customization company, all the year round is to do clothing. Employees in other garment factories are relatively stable, and their wages are lower than those in fashion factories and some factories that make foreign trade orders. Are these costs eventually passed on to clothing costs?
  Second, fast delivery
  Professional work clothes manufacturers, work clothes to do that is naturally familiar with light vehicles, time cost reduction, faster delivery.
  Third, large and small orders can help you solve the pressing problem.
  Orders naturally do not say, if you are a small batch order, if you look for a manufacturer who is not professional to do this, most do not take orders. If you find our Hancheng manufacturer, there are only two cases. First, we are bound to accept the task of meeting the minimum 50 sets of processing standards. Second, if we can not reach the minimum starting quantity, then we will provide more resources and offer you more suitable spot products which will make you more satisfied, including embroidered logo.
  Eight Characteristics of Customized Workwear:
  ① 专用性(企业识别)。工作服必须是为自己单位专门设计或专门挑选的,现货工作服很难有刚好能满足本单位的要求。
  (1) Specificity (enterprise identification). Workwear must be specially designed or specially selected for their own units. It is difficult for the spot work clothes to meet the requirements of their own units.
  ② 低成本。工作服毕竟是购买单位的一笔开支,无论哪一家单位宣称自己不在乎钱,其实还是有严格预算的。而成衣的一般比同档工作服企业的服装要高(如果在购买,更是白白增加一块商业成本)。
  (2) Low cost. After all, work clothes are an expense of the purchasing unit. No matter which unit claims that it doesn't care about money, it still has a strict budget. The price of clothes is generally higher than that of clothes of the same-class workwear enterprises (if purchased in the shopping mall, it adds a piece of commercial cost in vain).
  ③ 方便作业。工作服是用于工作时穿的,无论选用的是工作服(西装、衬衫),还是制服,都必须保证穿着时使穿着者感觉舒适,不妨碍工作,而这是所有成衣均没有充分考虑的(在后背、袖子等部位的设计上应在成衣的基础上进行调整)。
  Convenient operation. Workwear is used for work wear, regardless of the choice of work clothes (suits, shirts), or uniforms, must ensure that wearers feel comfortable when wearing, without hindering work, which is not fully considered by all ready-made clothes (back, sleeves and other parts of the design should be adjusted on the basis of ready-made clothes).
  ④ 号码全。一个单位的职工有各种各样的身材和号型,成衣一般只提供5-10个号型。统计结果表明,即便男装用4个号型也只能覆盖90%左右的人(而且穿着时不是特别合适)。所以,越是好的工作服(比如正装),越要采用量体裁衣模式。
  The number is complete. A unit employee has a variety of statures and sizes, ready-made clothes generally only provide 5-10 sizes. Statistical results show that even men's clothes with four sizes can only cover about 90% of the people (and not particularly appropriate when wearing). Therefore, the more high-end work clothes (such as formal clothes), the more to adopt a tailor-made clothing model.
  ⑤ 服务必不可少。采购工作服需要大量的服务支持。比如不合适服装的处理,新来员工(或损坏服装)的补货,按部门按岗位分发产品等等。这一切,如果采购成衣,就不容易做到,因为成衣企业不需要设置这样的服务部门,也没有专人专门跟踪某一客户。
  (5) Service is indispensable. Purchasing work clothes requires a lot of service support. For example, the handling of inappropriate clothes, the replenishment of new employees (or damaged clothes), the distribution of products by department, etc. All of this, if the purchase of ready-made clothes, it is not easy to do, because the garment enterprises do not need to set up such a service department, and there is no dedicated tracking a customer.
  ⑥ 千人千样。工作服虽然是团体定做,但却是每一个人去穿,所以,对服装的要求(尤其是合适与否)是千人千样,要想让员工满意,就得有人专门服务到每一个职工。而成衣企业一般没有准备这样的技术人员和服务人员来服务。制衣厂现在大多都有专门的量体师为客户亲自量体,保证每一件制服都合身。
  Thousands of people. Although the work clothes are made to order by the group, they are worn by everyone. Therefore, the requirements for clothes (especially whether they are suitable or not) are thousands of people. If you want to satisfy the employees, you have to have someone specially serve every employee. And garment enterprises generally do not prepare such technicians and service personnel to serve. Most garment factories now have specialist body-measuring technicians to measure the body for customers personally to ensure that each uniform fits well.
  ⑦ 耐用性。现在采购量较大的企业,也是每个职工平均一年四套,而一套衣服要每天都穿,而且一穿就是一年,要求服装非常耐用。所以,在服装的材料和工艺上尤其要注意耐用,而且,工作服也应该考虑非正常穿用的情况,这在成衣生产时一般不考虑。
  Durability. Now the largest purchasing enterprises, but also an average of four sets per employee a year, and a suit of clothes to wear every day, and a year to wear, requires clothes to be very durable. Therefore, in the material and technology of clothing, we should pay special attention to durability, and work clothes should also consider abnormal wear, which is generally not considered in the production of ready-to-wear clothes.
  ⑧ 男女并存。工作服必须有男装和女装,满足企业中男性和女性都要穿的问题。现在的成衣企业没有一家能够保证同时生产好的男装产品和女装产品。分别到男装企业和女装企业采购,又增加了工作难度(双份的采购过程、双份的售后服务、双份的风险),而且还可能导致男女职工心理不平衡。
  (5) coexistence of men and women. Workwear must have men's and women's clothes to meet the needs of men and women in enterprises. Nowadays, there is no ready-to-wear enterprise that can guarantee the production of good men's and women's wear products at the same time. Purchasing in men's and women's clothing enterprises separately increases the difficulty of work (double purchasing process, double after-sales service, double risk), and may also lead to psychological imbalance between male and female employees.
  Based on the above eight characteristics of work clothes procurement, the production organization mode of work clothes must be one-to-one customization mode for everyone in the enterprise. One-to-one customization mode is essentially different from the standard production mode of ready-made clothes, so it can be seen that purchasing ready-made clothes will be a very risky thing!
  By contrast, the cost-effectiveness of custom-made workwear manufacturers is much higher. Consider customizing work clothes if you have an intention or if your business needs to buy new ones.








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